Procurement of Information Technology under P.R Nos. 0307-2024 (Committee on Appropriations and Accounts), 0370-2024 (Vice Mayor's League of the Philippines), 1054-2024 (City Planning and Development Department), 1325-2024 (RTC-Office of the Clerk of Court) and 1727-2024 (Special Education Fund) -1 lot.-2nd Bidding title : Procurement of Information Technology under P.R Nos. 0307-2024 (Committee on Appropriations and Accounts), 0370-2024 (Vice Mayor's League of the Philippines), 1054-2024 (City Planning and Development Department), 1325-2024 (RTC-Office of the Clerk of Court) and 1727-2024 (Special Education Fund) -1 lot.-2nd Bidding, year : 2024, date_posted : 2024/11/26, type : 5, month : 11,
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{{ getDate(bid.date_posted) }}